Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Great Colleges to Work For program! We look forward to learning about your institution's successes and supporting your efforts to make your college a great place to work. To learn more about the program, please contact us at or toll-free at 888.684.4658.

The 2025 survey will be administered from March 3 – March 28, 2025. The deadline to register for the program is February 17, 2025.

Registration is simple, and there is no fee to join the program. To be eligible to participate your institution must be a non-profit, higher education institution with a Fall 2023 - 2024 Enrollment* of at least 500.

Please note the following as you complete and submit the form below:
ModernThink reserves the right to limit the number of participants to ensure adequate representation across the various categories and classifications.

All fields are required.

Institutions that have participated recently may have some of their information pre-populated after entering their FICE/OPE number and clicking "Find my info."
FICE/OPE Number:
(each registered campus must have a distinct FICE/OPE number in order to participate. If your school is part of a system or district comprising campuses with unique FICE/OPE numbers, each will need to register independently.)

If you don't know your FICE number, please click here.
Today's Date
How did you hear about the Great Colleges program?
(Please select up to 3.)
 ModernThink Email
 Chronicle Email
 Chronicle Newsletter
 Request from Senior Administrator(s)
 Colleague or Manager/Supervisor
 Great Colleges Recognition Insert (Sept. 20 Diversity issue of The Chronicle)
 Past Participant
Official Institution Name (as you would like it to appear in print)
2 year/4 year institution
Carnegie Classification
Fall 2023 - 2024 Enrollment (minimum 100 required)
*Fall 2023 - 2024 Enrollment includes all full-time, part-time, undergraduate and graduate students in degree-granting programs as reported on the Department of Education, IPEDS 2024 Fall Enrollment Survey.
Regional Accreditation
Number of Locations
Interested in surveying beyond the free random sample?
Please submit your MOST CURRENT counts for each of the below:
Total Full-time Faculty
Total Adjunct Faculty
Total Full-time Administration
Total Full-time Exempt Professional Staff
Total Full-time Non-exempt Staff
Please note that the Primary Contact will be the central point of contact for critical program updates and will be responsible for meeting program deadlines, such as completing the Institution Questionnaire©. The address provided for the Primary Contact is critical as we will send hard copies of the Higher Education Workplace Summary, as well as a copy of the recognition insert published in The Chronicle, to that address.
First Name
Last Name
Direct Phone
First Name
Last Name
Direct Phone
IT CONTACT (Plays an important role in Connectivity Testing for survey)
First Name
Last Name
Direct Phone
Is there a colleague at another institution you think we should contact about participating in the Great Colleges program?
Full Name of Contact:
Contact's Institution:
Contact's Phone or Email:

I understand that hitting "Submit" enters our institution into the 2025 Great Colleges to Work For® program and that being considered for recognition requires completion of the ModernThink Institution Questionnaire© as well as the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey©. If at any point we choose to withdraw from the process, we will notify ModernThink at 1-888-684-4658 as soon as possible.